Hazelcast SQL stands out as a robust tool for querying distributed data structures like maps using SQL-like syntax. For developers looking to maximize the efficiency of their distributed systems, understanding how to use SQL predicates in Hazelcast is crucial.
In this article, we delve deep into Hazelcast SQL predicates, explaining their significance, how to implement them, and how they enhance querying capabilities.
What is a SQL Predicates in Hazelcast?
In Hazelcast, a SQL predicate is used to filter results from a distributed IMap or other data structures based on specific conditions. Predicates allow you to execute complex queries over distributed data in memory with minimal performance impact. Hazelcast’s implementation of SQL predicates closely mirrors traditional SQL WHERE clauses, making it easier for those familiar with SQL syntax to get started.
Hazelcast SQL predicates can be applied in a range of scenarios, such as:
- Filtering map entries based on specific conditions
- Querying distributed data efficiently
- Performing operations like equality, comparison, and pattern matching
SQL predicates offer a range of benefits when working with Hazelcast maps:
- Familiarity: Developers who are accustomed to working with SQL will find it easy to adopt SQL predicates in Hazelcast.
- Performance: Hazelcast performs distributed queries efficiently, which can significantly improve the performance of large-scale applications.
- Flexibility: SQL predicates provide a flexible way to query data, making it easier to handle complex query conditions without writing custom logic.
In this example, we’ll look at how to use SQL predicates within Hazelcast maps and show detailed examples of their implementation.
Setting Up Hazelcast SQL Environment
Before we dive into the use of SQL predicates, let’s briefly set up Hazelcast and the SQL environment. For more details on environment setup, you can please visit below articles.
- Understanding of Hazelcast QueueStore
- Understanding of Hazelcast MapLoader
- Understanding of Hazelcast MapStore
- How to Start Hazelcast Members and Client?
- Hazelcast SQL Queries: A Complete Example for Developers
First, include the necessary Hazelcast dependencies in your project. If you are using Maven, include the following:
<version>5.4</version> <!-- Use the latest version -->
Create Sample Employee model
Create Employee model class which is used on below sample code.
public class Employee {
private Integer empId;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private String phoneNo;
private Double salary;
//Create setter and getter, or add lombok dependecy to generate @Setter, @Getter
Create employeeMap
Add sample for used on below example into employee map.
HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IMap<Integer, Employee> employeeMap = hazelcastInstance.getMap("employeeMap");
//Create sample data
employeeMap.put(101, new Employee(101, "Sachin", "Tendulker", "sachin@abc.com", "1234512345", 10000.0));
employeeMap.put(102, new Employee(102, "Sourav", "Ganguly", "sourav@abc.com", "5432154321", 20000.0));
employeeMap.put(103, new Employee(103, "Rohit", "Sharma", "rohit@abc.com", "98766598766", 80000.0));
employeeMap.put(104, new Employee(104, "MS", "Dhoni", "dhoni@abc.com", "9876655443", 50000.0));
employeeMap.put(105, new Employee(105, "Sourav", "Singh", "sourav.singh@abc.com", "5432154321", 20000.0));
How to Use SQL Predicates in Hazelcast
To use SQL predicates, you first need to have a Hazelcast map containing your data. The syntax for defining an SQL predicate is similar to SQL’s WHERE
clause. Here is a basic example:
Collection<Employee> eqOperator = employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("lastName = Sachin"));
Supported SQL Predicates in Hazelcast
Hazelcast supports a wide range of SQL predicates. Some of the most commonly used predicates include:
1. Equality Predicate (=
The equality predicate is used to check if a field has a specific value.
Collection<Employee> eqOperator = employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("lastName = Dhoni"));
This query retrieves employee whose firstName is exactly Dhoni.
2. Inequality Predicates (!=
, <
, >
, <=
, >=
These predicates allow you to filter data based on numerical comparisons.
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("salary > 50000"));
This query retrieves all employees whose salary is greater than 50000.
3. AND and OR Predicates
You can combine multiple conditions using AND
and OR
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("lastName = Ganguly AND salary = 20000"));
This query retrieves all employee whose lastName is Ganguly AND salary is 20000
4. LIKE Predicate
predicate is useful for pattern matching using wildcards.
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("firstName LIKE 'S%'"));
This query retrieves all employee whose firstName starts with the letter ‘S’.
5. IN Predicate
The IN
predicate allows you to check if a field’s value is within a specific set of values.
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("empId IN ('101', '102', '103')"));
This query retrieves all employeeMap
whose empId under IN clause.
6. IS NULL Predicate
predicate checks if a field has a null value.
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("email IS NULL"));
This query retrieves all employeeMap
who do not have an email address.
7. BETWEEN Predicate
predicate allows you to filter data based on a range of values.
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 50000"));
This query retrieves all employee whose salary is between 10000 and 50000.
8. Regex Predicate
Hazelcast also supports the use of regular expressions to filter data.
employeeMap.values(Predicates.sql("name REGEX '^[A-Z][a-z]+$'"));
This query retrieves all employee whose names start with an uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters.
Best Practices for Using SQL Predicates in Hazelcast
When using SQL predicates in Hazelcast, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:
1. Indexing for Performance
To improve the performance of queries using SQL predicates, it’s important to create indexes on the fields that you are querying frequently. Hazelcast allows you to create indexes on map entries, which can significantly speed up query execution.
employeeMap.addIndex("firstName", true); // Create an ordered index on 'firstName'
employeeMap.addIndex("salary", false); // Create an unordered index on 'salary'
2. Avoid Overly Complex Queries
While SQL predicates offer a lot of flexibility, overly complex queries can become hard to maintain and may impact performance. Break down complex queries into simpler, more manageable parts whenever possible.
3. Use Regular Expressions Sparingly
Although Hazelcast supports regex filtering, regular expressions can be computationally expensive, especially when working with large datasets. Use regex predicates only when necessary.
Advantages of SQL Predicates in Hazelcast
SQL predicates in Hazelcast offer several advantages:
- Simplicity: They provide a simple and familiar way to query distributed data without having to write complex code.
- Scalability: Hazelcast’s distributed architecture allows SQL predicates to be executed efficiently across large clusters.
- Flexibility: The wide range of supported predicates gives developers the flexibility to query data in various ways.
SQL predicates in Hazelcast are a powerful tool for querying data in distributed maps. With their SQL-like syntax, developers can easily filter data based on conditions, making it easier to work with large datasets. By following best practices such as using indexes and keeping queries simple, you can optimize the performance of your queries and make the most of Hazelcast’s distributed capabilities.
By understanding and applying SQL predicates in Hazelcast, you can unlock a new level of efficiency and flexibility in managing and querying your data. Whether you’re dealing with a few thousand entries or millions, Hazelcast’s SQL predicates make querying distributed data both intuitive and powerful.
The sample code available over the github.