SQL Parser Using ANTLR4 in Java is one of the important frameworks, to parse the SQL queries. ANTLR4(Another Tool for Language Recognition) provides a feature that parses the SQL syntax, validates, and transforms.
In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process to implement ANTLR4, to parse and build the SQL query.

What is ANTLR4?
ANTLR (Another Tool for Language Recognition) is a parser generator tool, which uses the grammar (syntax rules) and generates the parser. SQL Parser Using ANTLR4 in Java helps you to generate a parser for your custom programming language, query language, or format creation. By using ANTLR4, generate your Parser, Lexer, and tree structure automatically.
Why Use ANTLR4 for SQL Parsing?
You use SQL Parser Using ANTLR4 in Java for:
- SQL Query Validation: To ensure that SQL query is correct or not.
- SQL Query Transformation: Transform or optimize the query after parsing it.
- Custom SQL Queries: You can use ANTLR4 to parse the custom SQL queries.
So let’s explore the, how to create SQL Parser Using ANTLR4 in Java.
Step 1: Setting Up SQL Parser Using ANTLR4 in Java Project
The first step in building your SQL parser is to set up ANTLR4 in your Java environment. Here’s how you can do it:
- Install ANTLR4: Include the ANTLR4 library in your Java project using Maven. Add the following dependency in your
- Download ANTLR4: Download the latest version of ANTLR4 from the official ANTLR website.
- Configure ANTLR plugin: If you’re using an IDE like IntelliJ IDEA, install the ANTLR plugin for better support with grammar files.
- Generate parser code: Once your grammar is written, you will need to generate the lexer and parser classes using the ANTLR tool. The plugin simplifies this process by automating the code generation.
Step 2: Writing SQL Grammar in ANTLR4
Now that ANTLR4 is installed in your Java project, it’s time to define the SQL grammar. A grammar file in ANTLR4 defines the rules that the parser uses to interpret input text (in this case, SQL queries).
Create a file named SQL.g4
in your project. Here’s an example of a simple SQL grammar:
grammar SQL;
query : select_stmt ;
select_stmt : SELECT column_list FROM table_list (WHERE condition)?;
column_list : '*' | column (',' column)* ;
table_list : table (',' table)* ;
condition : expression ;
expression : column '=' value ;
column : IDENTIFIER ;
table : IDENTIFIER ;
value : STRING | NUMBER ;
IDENTIFIER : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* ;
STRING : '\'' .*? '\'' ;
NUMBER : [0-9]+ ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
The above grammar file defines SELECT statement in SQL, with support for all given column lists, tables, and a WHERE clause. You can extend it to cover other SQL features like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE as needed.
Important Grammar Components:
- Lexer Rules: Laxer defines the tokens or keywords for SELECT, FROM, and WHERE.
- Parser Rules: Parser the the SQL queries and specifies, how different tokens are combined and validated.
- Conditions and Expressions: The grammar supports conditional expressions, making it easy to parse queries white filter the result for given criteria.
Step 3: Generating Lexer and Parser Classes
Once you define the grammar, the next step is to generate the Lexer and Parser classes. These classes are responsible for breaking down SQL queries into tokens and interpreting them based on the rules defined in the grammar.
Run the following command to generate the necessary classes:
java -jar antlr-4.9.3-complete.jar -Dlanguage=Java SQL.g4
Alternatively you can generate Lexer and Parser this using IDE and Maven plugin :
<argument>-visitor</argument> <!-- Optional: generates visitor -->
<argument>-listener</argument> <!-- Optional: generates listener -->
The above command and maven plugin will generate multiple files, including SQLLexer.java
and SQLParser.java
. These files contain the logic for tokenizing and parsing SQL queries.
Step 4: Writing Java Code to Use the Parser
Now that we have the Lexer and Parser generated, we need to write some SQL Parser Using ANTLR4 in Java code to utilize them. Here’s below a simple example of how to parse an SQL query:
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
public class SQLParserExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// SQL query to parse
String query = "SELECT name, age FROM users WHERE age = 30";
// Create a CharStream from the input SQL query
CharStream input = CharStreams.fromString(query);
// Initialize the lexer and parser
SQLLexer lexer = new SQLLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
SQLParser parser = new SQLParser(tokens);
// Parse the query and print the parse tree
ParseTree tree = parser.query();
Key Components of the Code:
- CharStream: This converts the SQL query to a stream of characters.
- Lexer: The
class breaks the query into tokens, identifying SQL keywords, column names, and values. - Parser: The
class get the tokens based on the grammar rules, generating a parse tree. - Parse Tree: The parse tree is a hierarchical structure that represents the SQL query. This tree can help to analyze and manipulate the query.
Step 5: Handling Errors and Optimizing the Parser
It is most important to handle errors and optimize the performance of the application. ANTLR4 provides built-in error handling feature, where you can customize it based on your needs. For instance, you can override the error listeners to provide and customize the error messages in invalid queries.
Below an example of a custom error listener:
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
public class SQLErrorListener extends BaseErrorListener {
public void syntaxError(Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer, Object offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, String msg, RecognitionException e) {
System.err.println("Syntax Error at line " + line + ", position " + charPositionInLine + ": " + msg);
To use this error listener, simply add it to the parser:
parser.addErrorListener(new SQLErrorListener());
This will ensure that meaningful error messages are displayed whenever a syntax error occurs during parsing.
Building an SQL parser using ANTLR4 in Java is a way to handle the SQL queries that are processed in your application. By defining grammar as per your needs, you can parse, optimize, and even manipulate SQL queries as required.
You can refer to the sample code on the Github.
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