Foundations of Spring Framework

Spring Framework is one of the important, lightweight and easy to use Java Framework, which help us to simplify the Java application development. It provides Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection and strong infrastructure to develop simple and modular application.

Following describe the fundamental concept of Spring Framework:

1. Core Concepts

  • Inversion of Control (IoC): Spring Container automatically configure the dependencies and inject it into required classes. IOC manages object lifecycle and dependencies in the spring container.
  • Dependency Injection (DI): Spring container provides a feature to loosely couple the dependency object from a class and inject the object at runtime whenever it is required.  It means the object doesn’t create its own by the class dependency, the container provides it.

1. What is Spring Framework?

The Spring Framework is an open-source, lightweight framework for building Java applications. It was initially developed to simplify enterprise Java development and promote good design practices. Spring provides infrastructure support for developing Java applications by offering a wide range of features, including dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, transaction management, and more.

2. Spring Framework Modules

Spring Framework provides many different modules, as needed in development:

  • Spring Core: Provides core functionalities like IoC and DI.
  •  Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming): Modularize the cross-cutting concerns for the feature like Logging and security.
  • Spring Data Access: Spring simplifies the database interactions, it provide integration features like JDBC, Hibernate, JPA.
  • Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller): Provides clear separation of concern to build Web applications.
  • Spring Security: Spring provides security feature for authentication and authorization.

3. Spring Boot

Spring Boot, streamlined the development experience on top of Spring Framework. It is a boiler plate and embedded the tomcat server to develop the perfect Microservices. Spring Boot provides features such as annotations and auto-configuration to advanced concepts such as REST API, JPA, Kafka, Monitoring etc.

4. Benefits of Spring Framework

  • Lightweight: usage low memory and CPU.
  • Flexible Configuration: supports XML, annotations, and Java-based.
  • Wide Ecosystem: Easy to integrate and support with third-party libraries like RESTful APIs and cloud architectures.

5. Popular Use Cases

  • Build enterprise applications.
  • Develop RESTful APIs and Microservices.
  • Integrate and manage security feature with Web applications

Overall, Spring Framework is backbone of modern Java development, it help us to build robust and scalable applications build.

Basics of Spring Framework

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