Understanding Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures

Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures


Hazelcast, a powerful in-memory data grid, offers a robust platform for distributed computing, scaling across clusters, and managing large datasets in real-time. One of Hazelcast’s core strengths is its distributed data structures, which allow developers to scale their applications while maintaining performance, resilience, and availability. In this article, we explore the most important Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures, including their use cases and benefits for modern distributed systems.

Introduction to Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures

At the core of Hazelcast is the ability to provide data partitioning and distribution across multiple nodes in a cluster. Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures allows Hazelcast to store data in a distributed manner while ensuring redundancy and failover capabilities. With Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures, the entire dataset is not limited by the capacity of a single node, as it can be seamlessly spread across the cluster. These structures are designed to be resilient and highly available, even when nodes fail or become unreachable.

The most commonly used distributed data structures in Hazelcast include:

  • IMap (distributed map)
  • IQueue (distributed queue)
  • MultiMap
  • ReplicatedMap
  • ISet (distributed set)
  • IList (distributed list)
  • ITopic (distributed topic)
  • AtomicLong
  • PNCounter

Each of these data structures plays a unique role in handling distributed data and tasks efficiently. Let’s delve deeper into each of them to better understand how they contribute to building scalable applications.

Distributed Map (IMap)

In Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures, the IMap interface is one of the most frequently used Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures. It operates similarly to a standard Java Map, but with the added ability to distribute data across a cluster. Hazelcast automatically manages the distribution of data, ensuring high availability through replication.

Key Features of IMap:

  • Data Partitioning: Hazelcast splits data into partitions and distributes them across the cluster.
  • Near Caching: IMap supports near caching, which stores frequently accessed data on the client-side for faster reads.
  • Backup and Fault Tolerance: The data stored in IMap is backed up to other nodes, ensuring no data is lost in the event of a node failure.
  • Eviction Policies: IMap allows flexible eviction policies to manage memory usage, including time-to-live (TTL) and maximum size configurations.

Use Case:

IMap is ideal for distributed caching scenarios where data consistency and partitioning are critical. For example, in an e-commerce application, IMap can store user session data or product catalogs, ensuring that data is available across the cluster even if some nodes go offline.

Distributed Queue (IQueue)

In Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures, IQueue in Hazelcast provides a distributed implementation of the standard Java Queue interface. It is designed for asynchronous communication between different components of a system, enabling message passing between producers and consumers.

Key Features of IQueue:

  • FIFO Ordering: IQueue guarantees first-in, first-out (FIFO) message delivery, making it suitable for task scheduling and work distribution.
  • Persistence: IQueue can persist data on disk to ensure durability, even across restarts.
  • Bounded or Unbounded Queues: You can configure IQueue to have a maximum size, which allows for back-pressure in systems where message rates may vary.

Use Case:

IQueue is an excellent choice for distributed task queues. It is commonly used in systems that require job scheduling, work queues, or event-driven architectures. For instance, it can handle distributed processing of tasks like sending emails or processing image uploads, ensuring that workers across the cluster consume tasks efficiently.


A MultiMap is similar to a regular map, but it allows storing multiple values for a single key. This makes it a flexible data structure when dealing with scenarios where you need to associate more than one value with a key.

Key Features of MultiMap:

  • Multiple Values per Key: Unlike IMap, MultiMap allows multiple entries for a single key without replacing the previous values.
  • Distributed Nature: Like other Hazelcast data structures, MultiMap is distributed across the cluster, ensuring scalability and fault tolerance.
  • Event Listeners: MultiMap can trigger events when data is added, removed, or updated, allowing reactive programming models.

Use Case:

MultiMap is ideal for applications where multiple relationships need to be maintained. For example, in a social media application, MultiMap can store a user’s list of followers, allowing multiple follower entries to be mapped to a single user.

Replicated Map

The ReplicatedMap in Hazelcast is a specialized map where the data is replicated to all nodes in the cluster. This ensures that every node has a local copy of the data, which reduces read latencies by eliminating the need for distributed lookups.

Key Features of ReplicatedMap:

  • Replication: Data is replicated across all nodes, providing low-latency read access.
  • Strong Consistency: ReplicatedMap ensures strong consistency, meaning updates are propagated to all nodes.
  • Optimized for Read-Heavy Workloads: ReplicatedMap is ideal for read-heavy workloads where data is infrequently updated but needs to be accessed quickly.

Use Case:

ReplicatedMap is well-suited for applications that require frequent reads and rare writes. A common use case is storing reference data, such as product information or configuration settings, where quick access from any node is essential.

Distributed Set (ISet)

In Hazelcast Distributed Data Structures, ISet is a distributed implementation of the Java Set interface. It guarantees that all elements in the set are unique, making it a useful data structure for distributed environments that require uniqueness constraints.

Key Features of ISet:

  • Uniqueness: ISet guarantees that each entry is unique across the distributed cluster.
  • Fault Tolerance: Like other Hazelcast data structures, ISet supports fault tolerance through data replication.

Use Case:

ISet is typically used in scenarios where uniqueness is required across a cluster, such as maintaining a set of unique user IDs in a multi-node authentication system.

Distributed List (IList)

Distributed lists maintain the order of elements, just like a traditional list, but with the added advantage of being distributed across nodes. This allows the list to grow beyond the memory constraints of a single machine while still supporting ordered access and operations like adding, removing, or retrieving elements.

Distributed Topic (ITopic)

ITopic allows for publish-subscribe messaging across a Hazelcast cluster. Producers can publish messages to a topic, and subscribers will receive those messages.

Key Features of ITopic:

  • Publish-Subscribe Model: Producers and consumers are decoupled, allowing for asynchronous communication.
  • Cluster-Wide Distribution: Messages are distributed across all nodes in the cluster.
  • Durability: Hazelcast provides durability options to ensure messages aren’t lost during node failures.

Use Case:

ITopic is commonly used in event-driven architectures where real-time messaging and notification systems are required. An example is broadcasting system status updates or alerts to multiple listeners.


The AtomicLong data structure in Hazelcast provides an atomic, distributed counter. It is thread-safe and ensures that operations like increment, decrement, and comparison are performed atomically across the cluster.

Key Features of AtomicLong:

  • Atomicity: Guarantees that all operations are atomic, even in distributed environments.
  • Consistency: AtomicLong provides consistent increments and decrements across nodes.

Use Case:

AtomicLong is perfect for distributed counters, such as keeping track of global statistics like total user sign-ups or page views across a web application.


The PNCounter is a distributed counter that provides eventual consistency. It is designed to handle network partitions and can be used to count operations across multiple nodes.

Key Features of PNCounter:

  • Partition Tolerant: It is designed to handle network partitions without compromising the consistency of operations.
  • Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type (CRDT): The PNCounter is based on the CRDT model, allowing for conflict-free updates from multiple nodes.

Use Case:

PNCounter is commonly used in eventual consistency scenarios, such as counting the number of likes on a post in a social media platform where nodes may experience temporary disconnections.


Hazelcast offers a wide array of Hazelcast distributed data structures that cater to various application needs. Whether you are looking for a scalable solution for distributed caching, messaging, task queues, or counters, Hazelcast provides the tools to build resilient, fault-tolerant, and highly available systems.

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